Episode 160: Mark Moglich
Along with recording the episodes you just recently heard while at Ian Anderson's last July, there were also more episodes recorded while in Reno the same month. While meeting up and recording at Dave Jamieson's place, I was also able to record a few others, including Mark Moglich. Mark discussed his experiences over the years with breeding, his passion for flying goshawks, gyrfalcons, and another rarely flown species that you'll just have to listen to hear more about! Special thanks again to friend Vahe Alaverdian for helping to make these recordings happen!
Episode 159: Joe Hance
The last episode recorded while at Ian Anderson's place in Iowa features Minnesota resident Joe Hance. This was a very fun and animated conversation, in which we talk about hawking cottontails with a cast of Harris's hawks, some of his short prior experiences hunting with red-tailed hawks and goshawks, and getting Joe's take on different aspects and outlooks on falconry. Just a heads up, this is also another episode with some colorful language in it, but this fun and energetic conversation will be one that is sure to be enjoyed!
Episode 158: Tyler Forke
After getting to Ian Anderson's place last July, Tyler was one of the falconers who made the trip also that weekend to meet, and while there, he discussed his background in different aspects of dog training, hunting with Harris's hawks over his beagles, and some of the challenges in hunting where he's located. It was good getting a chance to talk falconry and dogs with someone else who has another breed preference, so there's some good stuff in here if hawking with dogs interests you!
Episode 157: Ross Dirks
While at Lance Christensen's, I was also able to get a recording in with accomplished falconer and veterinarian Ross Dirks. I'm glad he was there helping Lance to prep birds for shipping to their new owners, because this conversation was a blast to have! We talked about some of his different experiences as a veterinarian, flying falcons and goshawks, and lots of other great stuff before I headed back down to record more with Ian Anderson and other friends last July. It was another whirlwind weekend, but so glad I did it so I could share these conversations with you all! Enjoy!
Episode 156: Jeremiah Weber
After getting a lure machine from Jeremiah, we started talking more back and forth about falconry, dachshunds, bowfishing, and other good stuff. Those conversations led to being able to meet up with him at a dachshund field trial close to where he lives in Pennsylvania, and while there, I managed to get my equipment set up outside long enough to record an episode and pick up where we left off! Overall, it turned out pretty well for a little bit of wind blowing, beagles barking in the background, and other audio challenges, but I hope you enjoy regardless! If you're interested in going on a bowfishing trip, picking up a lure machine yourself, or want some cool merch from Jeremiah, head to boondockoutdoors.myshopify.com!
Episode 155: Heath Garner
During some downtime in between events at the Archives of Falconry 2024 Spring Rendezvous, Heath took some time to have another nice, long conversation about his time serving as Vice President of NAFA, flying accipiters, and learning what to listen to and not listen to when it comes to advice and perceptions in falconry, amongst other things. This is another nice-sized episode with a lot of good information, so come hang with us!
Episode 154: Kevin Stahler
Back in December of 2023, Kevin Stahler of Country Critters Kennels in Kentucky came to our annual Evansville field meet to hunt, run dachshunds, and record this episode in studio after the end of the festivities! We talk field meet experiences, the motivation to become a dachshund breeder, growing up around birds of prey, and other good stuff! This seemed like the right time to finally publish this episode after a break in dachshund episodes and other factors, and since I own two dogs that Kevin has bred, I'm happy to finally get this out to you all!
Episode 153: Tyler Wright
This episode is another nice and lengthy one, consisting of two different parts. The first part of the episode was recorded over a year ago when Tyler stopped through and recorded in studio on his way back home from St. Louis on a dog errand. At that time, we discussed what it's been like starting up multiple businesses, some of his experiences flying red-tailed hawks, kestrels, and a great-horned owl, and also what it was like starting into falconry at a young age. The second half was recorded after we got done hunting one day at this past NAFA meet in Liberal, KS, and he talks more about the aftermath of his first owl experiences, plus what it's been like flying his second great-horned owl. This episode has been long in the making, but it just made more sense to release it all together to bridge off of the experiences Tyler has had over the last year, especially with the owls. You can also hear more with Tyler in the February Falconry Follies Extras content as well! Enjoy!
Episode 152: David Frank
This last episode that was recorded in Wyoming early 2024 brings you David Frank, resident of Sheridan and owner of Western Sporting. Many of you listening have probably ordered from Western Sporting before, and this episode will give you the chance to hear more about David and his history. In particular, David talks about his early experiences as an animal trainer, taking advantage of an opportunity to live and work in England and also hawk in Scotland, and of course, and many other things. David and Western Sporting have generously donated items to many state club raffles, including ours in Indiana, so if you've never given them any of your business, please consider heading to westernsporting.com next time you have any falconry supply or book needs!
Episode 151: Kyna Sturges
For the second week in a row, another milestone has been achieved.... It's now been a year since rebranding and continuing on as Falconry Chronicles! It's been a challenge, but I'm happy that so many people have continued on the journey with me! Your support continues to mean the world, and I don't take it for granted! That being said, we're down to the last couple of episodes that were recorded in Wyoming early last year, and this episode features another good friend, Kyna Sturges. Having gotten to know Kyna and Vahe over the last few years, it's always great to pay them a visit when I'm in Wyoming, and I'm glad I got the chance to discuss things with Kyna in regards to her unique introduction into falconry. She gives insight into what it has been like being relatively new in the sport, while simultaneously being immersed into aspects of hawking and propagation that many falconers don't get to experience in their lives. Thanks again for a memorable year, and enjoy!
Episode 150: Dan Konkel
Here we are at yet another milestone with the podcast..... Episode 150! Thanks again for coming along for the ride! This 150th episode brings you another falconer who worked with the Peregrine Fund, which was instrumental in gaining him the knowledge to start his own propagation project with gyrfalcons. Dan Konkel has been producing birds for falconers around the world for many years, particularly in the Middle East, and is someone else with tons of collective knowledge. I hope you enjoy hearing about these things, plus a lot more, in this new milestone episode!
Episode 149: Pete Widener
This first episode in 2025 continues on with another falconer who started back in the early days! Pete Widener talks about his long falconry career and love of peregrines, his early career choices and settling in Wyoming, where he's lived now for the better part of his life, and how and why he got into the propagation of peregrines. The great stories and experiences continue on into 2025, so thanks so much for continuing to listen! Stick around for a couple of other new milestones over the next couple of episodes!
Episode 148: John Dahlke
Happy New Year everyone! We're gonna bring in the new year here with an episode that was recorded in Pinedale, and features John Dahlke. John has been very involved with sage grouse conservation over the years, which has also helped with his sage grouse hawking pursuits. John also has a gyrfalcon propagation project, and primarily flies gyrfalcons in his own falconry. We discuss these things, as well as some of his unique learning experiences under some early pioneers of falconry in the United States, so come hang out with us as our conversations with Wyoming falconers continue!
Episode 147: Pete Jenny
Continuing on in Wyoming, this episode was one of a handful recorded while in Sheridan. In this fun conversation with Pete Jenny, he talks about his time working with the Peregrine Fund, what it was like starting out in the early days of falconry in the US, traversing the country pursuing different falconry and schooling opportunities, and much more! This is another very fun and informative episode, and there's plenty more of that coming your way in the coming weeks!
Episode 146: John Coffman
These next handful of episodes are going to come at you from Wyoming! Due to various work circumstances that came up in early 2024, life took me back out to west work again, so I made the most of it while out there. As part of a productive jaunt through different parts of Wyoming on some off days, John Coffman had me out to his stomping grounds to talk about his longwing pursuits, ranch life, being a part of some work for the Peregrine Fund, and what falconry looked like for him traversing many states early in his tenure. This is the start of some more great content, and Jeff and Lauren Redig earned a lot of credit in helping to set many of these recordings up, so many thanks to them for helping make some of these happen! There's a lot of falconers with some great history and experience in Wyoming, so enjoy!
Episode 145: Tucker Taylor
Having been a fan of Tucker Taylor's hoods for awhile before having a chance to talk to him, I was pretty excited about getting a chance to record with him on my way home from Wyoming earlier this year. While being kind enough to host me, he also was nice enough to talk about what his experience was like getting into falconry, flying red-tailed hawks and Cooper's hawks, his path to hoodmaking, and some of what he's learned during those times. If you're interested in hoodmaking, you should make it a priority to listen to his insights! Tucker makes a pretty darn good hood!
Episode 144: Chad Reynolds
While working in Wyoming earlier this year, I was able to take a bit of time on some days off and visit friend and fellow Houndsman XP/Xtreme Performance Outdoor Network collaborator Chad Reynolds. Chad was able to take some time and record with me after one of his usual busy days at the ranch, and we talked dog/animal training, the rigours of growing a successful business, and what his falconry has looked like in the different parts of the country he's been in. There's a lot of great discussions in this lengthy episode, and it was great getting a chance to sit down in person to record this, see some of his dogs run, and get an idea of what a day in his life looks like!
Episode 143: Spence Wise
The last episode recorded at the THA meet was with Spence Wise, a longtime falconer from Florida. It was fun talking to him about a lot of the changes he's had to adjust to during his many years of falconry, including having to adapt to habitat loss (and finding out that one of his favorite hunting areas used to be where my parents now live), transitioning to hunting with merlins, and beach trapping for merlins, amongst other topics. Thanks again to the Texas Hawking Assocation for helping to make these episodes happen, we hope you've enjoyed them!
Episode 142: Tony and Mel Lyons
This is the last of the episodes recorded at the THA meet earlier this year featuring falconers from Texas, and it's a fun one! Tony and Mel Lyons joined me to talk about their unique experiences getting introduced to the world of falconry, particularly in regards to their respective apprenticeships and the harder path they had to take during that time. We have some fun at this expense of our mutual friend Sheldon, who you all heard from earlier as a guest, and they also talked about their experiences flying falcons, Cooper's hawks, and other fun stuff! Thanks again to Corey Roelke and the Texas Hawking Association for having me down, and join us next week for the last episode recorded at the THA meet!
Episode 141: Nichole Moore
We're down to the last few episodes that were recorded earlier this year at the Texas Hawking Assocation meet! In this episode, Nichole Moore sits down and discusses hawking with Harris's hawks, Cooper's hawks, and also what it's been like to pursue her career in zoology. These last few episodes that were recorded at the THA meet were just as fun as the rest, so look forward to getting them out to you all!