Episode 129: Aaron Kincaid


This particular week of the Falconry Chronicles Podcast brings you multiple episodes, the first of which is a two part episode that features Aaron Kincaid of Gamekeeper Dachshunds, and of course, Sporting Chance podcast! The first part of this recording was made earlier this year during the New Jersey meet, where we met in person for the first time, and had the chance to be able to run our dogs together. After, we sat down that evening and talked about several of the usual topics, as well as ratting. We later recorded the second part of the episode while in Washington, DC, where we met to go ratting, as well as attempt to pair our dogs for breeding. That trip inspired the Molting Tails ratting content, which will be released as part of the Extras membership. This was a fun episode, and will be followed up later in the week with the first episode of the Falconry Follies series, which will continued to be offered via Extras membership after this first episode. That episode will feature both Aaron and Casey, and will be available later this week, so keep an eye out for it!


Episode 130: Falconry Follies with Sporting Chance


Episode 128: Dave Jamieson