Episode 68: Harry McElroy


Thanks to the Arizona Falconers Association, we were able to do a series featuring falconers from all across the Grand Canyon State, including our esteemed guest for this episode, Harry McElroy! Harry and his wife Beth were kind enough to invite us into their home to discuss Harry's long tenure in falconry, which spanned several decades. At 93 years old, Harry is recently retired from falconry, but he has left behind a long legacy of contributions to the sport. While it's impossible to be able to fully encompass such a long life's worth of stories and experiences into an hour or so, we were happy to be able to share Harry's beginnings in falconry, his experiences living in Mexico, South America, and parts of the United States, and some of the knowledge that he's gleaned over the years flying several species of raptors and incorporating dogs and horses in falconry. We're truly honored to be able to do this series for Arizona and we hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes dedicated to some of Arizona's falconry heritage!


Episode 69: Randy Hale


Episode 67: Krista Hong Edwards