Episode 72: Greg Smith


In this last jaunt of our Arizona Falconers Association series, we're joined by Greg Smith, who discusses how falconry life has been for him during his years in Kingman, AZ. This episode was a great learning experience, since Greg has imprinted and flown a fair amount of accipiters. He also is one of the few people we've been able to talk to thus far who has experience imprinting an ornate hawk-eagle, and it was very informative finding out about how he approached that process, as well as how he's approached imprinting and working with his other falconry birds over the years. We have one very special episode left in this series before we head off to record our series for South Africa, so we hope you join us for the Arizona Falconers Association series finale coming soon!


Episode 73: A Tribute to Harry McElroy


Episode 71: Brian Wood