Episode 99: Dr. Ken Felix


Those who are knowledgeable in the history of falconry are aware that there are few falconers left who were around during the early formative years of falconry's foundation in the United States. There are even fewer left who can say that they had a chance to learn from some of those falconers instrumental in forming those foundations. Thankfully, some of those falconers still around from that era are willing to share what their experiences were like, and the guest for this episode, Ken Felix, happens to be one of those generous individuals! Joining the podcast remotely due to obvious logistical challenges, Ken was gracious enough to talk about those early years, some of his challenges getting into falconry, his motivations to become a falconer, and other great topics! It's a true privilege to be able to share conversations like these, and I can only hope I get to do another follow up episode with Ken in person. Special thanks also goes to Seth Roy for helping to make this episode happen. Have fun!


Episode 100: Martin Geleynse


Episode 98: Paul and Phil Eliya