Episode 140: Ian Anderson
We're taking a short break from Texas and heading back briefly to Iowa! Earlier this July, I had a chance to meet up with Ian Anderson, and during that time, while kindly hosting me for a couple of days, we got a chance to sit down and talk about his experiences flying goshawks and some of the different lessons he's learned during his time in falconry. As an added bonus, we also got a chance to run our dachshunds while I was up there! Special thanks again to Ian for helping to coordinate the recordings with Lance Christensen, and a few others you haven't heard yet! If you'd like to follow Ian's falconry, head to Instagram and follow @iowa_gamehawker.
Episode 139: Don Roeber
While at the THA meet, I was able to connect with longtime falconer Don Roeber for another great episode! Don took some time out of one of his meet days to talk about his many years of falconry experience flying hawks, falcons, and even talks about his experience flying a falcon he rehabilitated at one point. Don has also sponsored some well-known falconers during his time in the sport, and we cover that some as well during our conversation! Like many of these episodes with longtime falconers, there's some great stories here you won't want to miss!
Episode 138: Jay Lehmer
We're heading back to Texas again for a bit! This episode brings you all Jay Lehmer, who took the time out of his schedule at the THA meet earlier this year to talk about some of the adversity he's had to overcome in recent years with health issues, and some of the help he's received from fellow members of the falconry community to help face those issues. His story is another very touching one, and is another great example of what the falconry community can do when it comes together to help each other out. He also talks about his favorite form of falconry, flying longwings, and other topics. This is another one of those conversations you'll want to hear if you want to instantly have a better day folks, so come join us!
Episode 137: Jenni Buckley
The first time I had a chance to record with friend and guest for this episode, Jenni Buckley, was at the 2019 NAFA meet. Four years later, we caught up again at the 2023 NAFA meet and talked more about our dachshunds, Harris's hawks, environmental concerns, and other things. Jenni is also putting together the 2024 NAFA meet, and we plan to record another NAFA Hawk Talk episode soon to let people know more about the details for the upcoming meet. It's always fun getting a chance to catch up with Jenni, and can't wait to see her and other friends at the upcoming meet!
Episode 136: Brett Rees
Our guest for this episode, Brett Rees, was one that I was happy to get a chance to record while at the Texas Hawking Assocation meet earlier this year. Being the creative mind behind the Devils of Dirthawking Club, I've been a big fan of Brett's work for awhile, and it was a pleasure getting a chance to talk to him more about his inspiration behind starting the club, his artwork, and his beginnings in falconry. If you want to pick up more of his merch, head to devilsofdirthawking.com. He just came up with some new designs, including a limited edition collaboration with another friend of the podcast, Baba Yaga Crafts!
Episode 135: Jimmy Walker and Kyle Irlbeck
This unique episode is one of several more that will be coming to you from earlier this year at the Texas Hawking Assocation meet! Jimmy and Kyle share their unique story of how they came to know each other personally and in falconry, and eventually become family. They also discuss experiences they've had as dirthawkers and also longwingers, and some of their more influential moments in falconry, both individually and together. This is another unique episode you'll want to make sure and hear!
Episode 134: Ryan Corlew
Shortly after landing in Dallas late last year to record the first of many episodes in Eastern TX, I made a stop to sit down and talk with the maker of fine shivs, Ryan Corlew. Many of you may have such a shiv from Shivalrous Designs, Ryan's company, and know how awesome they are, especially you squirrel hawkers out there! I'm a proud owner of one as well, and definitely put it to good use! Ryan also incorporates dachshunds into his falconry, and amongst other things, discusses some of the different things he's had to do to get his team of Harris's and dogs working together, and also some of his different experiences hunting and living in different parts of the country. There's going to be many more from Texas coming soon, as I continue to try and rollout the episodes recorded from earlier in the year from the Texas Hawking Association meet, so enjoy!
Episode 133: Zack Bohn
This is officially the last of the episodes that were recorded in New Jersey last summer for the ongoing episodes inspired by dachshunds in falconry! You'll still be hearing about dachshunds off and on for a little while, but as far as the falconers who use them in and around that area, this episode with Zack Bohn will be the last one featured from there for a bit. We of course cover other important topics in this episode, particularly Zack's background studying environmental sciences and working in parks and recreation for a town he resides in, and some of the issues he's had to deal with in that realm, like invasive feral cats wreaking havoc on the ecosystem. Special thanks again to the New Jersey crew and Casey Everett for helping to orchestrate those recordings!
Episode 132: Matt Reidy
We're back to Texas again for another episode that was recorded earlier this year at the Texas Hawking Assocation meet! Our guest for this episode, Matt Reidy, was also a guest speaker at said meet, and in between hunting and evening activities, sat down to talk about flying longwings (especially prairie falcons), his career as a biologist, and lots of other good stuff, including common themes in falconry that are always important to hear. You'll be hearing more out of a lot of other Texas falconers in the coming weeks, being as there's still a lot of episodes yet to be published from the THA meet, so have fun listening!
Episode 131: Jason Reid
During the 2023 NAFA meet, I was able to catch up early one morning with Jason Reid, who I hadn't had a chance to see in a while. Aside from being there for his falconry equipment business, Hawkeye Falconry Supply, he was also there at the time helping to give informational clinics on eagle falconry. That being the case, I thought it would be good to have Jason on and talk more in depth about some of the aspects of eagle falconry that I haven't had a chance to previously cover on the podcast. On top of covering a lot of the details of what led Jason to relocate to Wyoming and take his falconry practice there, we cover more of the details of prepping to acquire a golden eagle, as well as more of what goes into eagle trapping. It was fun catching up with him, and hope you enjoy learning more about this process! If you want another good option for falconry gear and supplies, head to http://www.hawkeyefalconrysupply.com.
Episode 130: Falconry Follies with Sporting Chance
Well folks, this is the first official episode of the new Falconry Follies series, which will be available to Extras members from now on! As mentioned before, the inspiration of this series is so we can all learn from each other's mistakes, which everyone and their birds should hopefully benefit from. Listen in as Aaron Kincaid and Casey Everett, previous guests and hosts of the Sporting Chance podcast, join up remotely to talk about mistakes we've made in and out of the field. Being as the subject at hand can be both simultaneously frustrating and lighthearded, you'll hear some colorful language and content at times, but hey, it's all part of what we deal with, and hear, on a daily basis in falconry! If you want to see the fully unedited video version, head to the “Would You Like to Support?” link at falconrychronicles.com, and sign up for the Extras membership at buymeacoffee.com. You'll also get to hear the first full episode of the Molting Tails series, which will start off featuring rats... and those who hunt them! Thanks again so much for your ongoing support, which is the inspiration to keep all of this going!
Episode 129: Aaron Kincaid
This particular week of the Falconry Chronicles Podcast brings you multiple episodes, the first of which is a two part episode that features Aaron Kincaid of Gamekeeper Dachshunds, and of course, Sporting Chance podcast! The first part of this recording was made earlier this year during the New Jersey meet, where we met in person for the first time, and had the chance to be able to run our dogs together. After, we sat down that evening and talked about several of the usual topics, as well as ratting. We later recorded the second part of the episode while in Washington, DC, where we met to go ratting, as well as attempt to pair our dogs for breeding. That trip inspired the Molting Tails ratting content, which will be released as part of the Extras membership. This was a fun episode, and will be followed up later in the week with the first episode of the Falconry Follies series, which will continued to be offered via Extras membership after this first episode. That episode will feature both Aaron and Casey, and will be available later this week, so keep an eye out for it!
Episode 128: Dave Jamieson
The Falconry Chronicles Podcast is very happy to be able to bring you this episode with Dave Jamieson! For those of you who aren't aware, Dave has a very long and noteworthy falconry history. Known mostly as one of the first people to successfully breed falcons using artificial insemination, as well as for producing some of the most accomplished genetic lines in falcon breeding throughout the years, Dave has produced a vast array of successful falconry and sky trial-winning falcons. Amongst those things, he also tells some wild stories involving some of his travels around the world, and we even discuss something that really hasn't been discussed much yet with any other guests on the podcast: his personal experiences during Operation Falcon! This episode is another important example of the mission of the podcast, and why such taxing measures are sometimes undergone to make sure these stories and experiences are preserved for the future!
Episode 127: Harrison Dalby
The series of episodes inspired by the use of dachshunds in falconry that were recorded in New Jersey last year are almost concluded, with Harrison Dalby being one of the last from the Maryland/NJ area yet to be released. Since this recording took place, Harrison has had a full season under his belt with his goshawk and dachshund, and he has also added a lurcher to the team recently as well. In this conversation, he discusses falconry from a newer and younger falconer's perspective, what it's been like having his own business from an early age and how that has also affected his falconry, and how his mindset has pushed his personal goals higher over time. Thanks again to Casey Everett (now of the Sporting Chance podcast) for helping with getting everyone together for this series!
Episode 126: Lance Christensen
This was a more recently recorded episode, one of which that I'm very excited to bring to you all! While navigating a very busy work and travel schedule the whole month of July, thanks to the partial collaborative help of Ian Anderson, I found myself making the 11 hour trek to meet up with Lance Christensen and others to talk shop! I had heard a lot about Lance from mutual friends and other falconers who've gotten birds from him, but I was very much looking forward to going over some of the science behind breeding, discussing the reasoning and rationale behind the preference of parent-reared goshawks, and as always, Lance's beginnings in falconry, and other topics. Thanks again to Lance for taking the time out of his busy weekend trying to organize bird distribution logistics to have this conversation!
Episode 125: Tyler Sladen
While heading back out to work in Wyoming again for a few months earlier this year, I decided to make a pit stop to visit Tyler Sladen again. He had mentioned that he wished he'd had more of a chance to get more in depth about different aspects of quail hawking that we didn't talk about during our first recording, so I managed to meet up with him right before he filmed his video collaboration with Final Rise, and got more in depth with the topic. Speaking of the Final Rise video, if you haven't seen it yet, you should! Entitled “Montezuma and the Tankers”, it can be found on the Final Rise YouTube channel.
Episode 124: Brian Mutch
This is the first of the episodes that you'll be hearing covering some more of the falconers from Wyoming! Thanks to the coordinated efforts of some friends, as well as our guest for this episode, Brian Mutch, there'll be some more pretty cool falconers coming your way soon! Speaking of our guest from this episode, Brian has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to falconry and raptors. Due to his work for the Peregrine Fund for many years, he's gotten to travel the world and work with many species, as well as practice falconry at a high level for himself for a long time. I can't do any of these stories justice by describing them, so you'll just have to listen for yourself!
Episode 123: Mike Oettinger
This episode is one of the last few that was recorded while in the New York/New Jersey last summer, courtesy of Casey Everett and crew. As part of that ongoing series discussing falconry in that area, as well as dachshunds in falconry, Mike Oettinger discusses his experiences flying red-tailed hawks over the years, trapping, some of his experiences with apprentices, and of course, incorporating dachshunds in falconry! We have a handful of episodes left from the series meant to feature dachshunds, and a couple left from falconers in the NJ area, so for those of you who can't get enough, enjoy, and for those of you who've had enough, there will be plenty of other stories and experiences for you to take in in the meantime!
Episode 122: Sheldon Nicolle
We're back in Texas again for this episode with former NAFA president, Sheldon Nicolle. While at the Texas Hawking Assocation meet earlier this year, Sheldon discussed what his service as NAFA president was like, initially spending his early years in Zimbabwe before relocating to the United States, and different ways falconers can contribute back to the falconry community. There's usually not many dull moments with Sheldon, so we hope you have fun with us while listening!
Episode 121: Jim Ince
While at the Archives of Falconry Spring Rendezvous, I had to pleasure of meeting this episode's guest, Jim Ince. I was bummed earlier this year to not get to meet Jim at the Texas Hawking Association meet, since I had heard great things about him not only as a falconer, but also as a bell and hood maker. Jim is another falconer that has been at it since the early days, and as it turns out, happens to be a pretty good guy also! While at the Rendezvous, I was happy to learn that Jim will be part of a Masterclass video series that the Archives of Falconry is going to be releasing for members, and hopefully by the time this episode is released, if not shortly after, his video on how to make bells should be released, so if you're not a member of the Archives of Falconry, now's the time to be! These videos will be another great membership bonus on top of all of the other great content the Archives offers, so head to falconry.org and sign up if you haven't! We hope you enjoy hearing about Jim's journey in falconry, including a pretty epic falconry tour through Europe, and then have fun checking out his wonderful bell craftsmanship!